It has long puzzled me on how a man could have long, thick, and luscious hair;while some women have thin ,short, and or brittle hair. Then I realized , men are not as concerned about hair as women. Meaning they don't flat-iron their hair every morning,curl it every night, or manipulate it as much. They want to be neat and presentable, that's it.
On the other hand, women want to be glamorous. Curly today,wavy yesterday,and bone-straight tomorrow. With a side of orange bangs,red tips, blue roots,and purple highlights. A woman's arsenal can consist of blow-dryers,flat-irons,hot combs,relaxers,coloring-kits,brushes,combs,hair gels,hair lotion and potions, pomades...I think y'all catch my drift. But all a man might have is a brush,a comb,some pomade,and a scull cap.
Men who choose to wear their hair long obtain the length by following the three postulates of healthy hair: no chemicals,wearing protective styles, and no heat.A majority of men follow these postulates subconsciously.They don't know they're wearing protective styles;all they know is that they look good in their braids,twist,or loc's. And if they're wearing any of these three styles, they don't feel the need to chemically or thermally treat their hair.
Some women will disobey all three postulates at one time. They will rock a relaxer and color-treat their hair, wear it down everyday; after they have flat-ironed it. At night women will go to sleep on a cotton pillow, with no head covering; sans cap ,scarf etc. While her boyfriend or hubby lies next to her,in his scull cap,do-rag,bandana or whatever it may be.
After all this mind-bogging analyzing and assessing, I've come to the conclusion that some men have longer hair , because they keep it simple and healthy. At the same time women can be too complex trying to keep up with hi-fashion styles that require excessive manipulation. Too much manipulation can cause thinning and breakage.
What women need to realize is that they can be stylish,professional,and beautiful by keeping it simple; while maintaining a full head of healthy, full hair.
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