Wednesday, December 29, 2010
On the road again: from natural to texlaxed
From the mind of Professah Monee at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: organic root stimulator, texlaxing, transitioning
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Natural Chick! Epidemic
I titled my blogpost with "The Natural Chick Epidemic", in honor of Alicia James. Ms.James is a natural-haired sista who also is a singer. So far the only music I've heard by her is "Crazy in Love". When I first heard the song, my mother was watching one of Ms.James's Youtube videos and I thought it was a clip of a Jazmine Sullivan song that she'd inserted into the intro. Then I later realized that it was HER OWN RECORDING! Not to say that I'm putting her in the same box with Jazmine Sullivan, instead I'm speaking in reference to the quality of the recording and her skills.
- Her personal website:
- Youtube:
- Purchase her music:
From the mind of Professah Monee at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: natural hair celebrity
Friday, July 2, 2010
The N-Word....
From the mind of Professah Monee at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
I do solemnly swear to preserve and protect my ends
I recently did a post on preserving/protecting your edges. Now I want to touch on preserving and protecting the ends. Some of you natural sistas refuse to cut your ends, because of extreme length retention efforts. But How-to accomplish 1:NOT cutting your ends is actually detrimental to having long, healthy, and beautiful hair. Those splits will travel up the shaft of the hair, weakening it and causing it to break/snap off/apart. (and make it look ugly.) Tip1: Get rid of those split/dead ends by cutting them every 3 months, between 1/8-1/2 inch. If you haven't cut your ends for a while you may have to cut more the first time; possibly even up to 2- inches. Either way, you have to get rid of those dead ends; now or later. After that first cut, the length you will need to cut on a tri-monthly basis will decrease.
(1)Wear your hair in stretching hairstyles for an entire week. This way it will be very elongated, not curled and coiled up on itself, making it easier to see and feel dead/split ends. Use cutting shears for this, NOT scissors! Also use a very fine tooth comb, dealing with sections of hair no thicker than ¼ inch.
(2).Put your hair in to small-medium size two-strand twist and cut the ends off the twist as needed. When you're done, your twist should have a blunt, soft, and chunky look.
"How will I know when it's time to cut my ends?" My personal experience has told me to cut my ends when my hair snags on combs, when it becomes difficult to comb with my conditioner-laden hair my conditioning comb while in the shower, when I find/feel knots on the ends of individual hair strands, or when my hair looks very frizzy even though I haven't changed my regimen and/or the weather hasn't changed. After that you just cut it every 3 months on that same day.
In between cuts you want to minimize the occurrence of split ends. You can do this by wearing protective styles, moisturizing your ends (actually grabbing sections of your hair and applying the moisturizer directly to your ends), and always comb your hair from the ends up. Deep condition your hair on a regular basis to strengthen the entire shaft. And always know and keep in mind that when caring for your hair, that your ends are the weakest part, because they are the oldest. Take this information and use it to your desire, but don't stress over your hair and drive yourself crazy by combing ever so gently. Baby steps are what it's all about.
From the mind of Professah Monee at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Light skin, Dark skin....Let it Be
If you are on Twitter, then you most likely know that the comedian Kevin Hart has been making some jokes about dark-skinned women. When slapped with the backlash he said, "I'm a's just a joke, jeeezzz....Don't be so sensitive....." But how could he be so INsensitive. He used to be my favorite comedian, smh.
Let others boast of maidens fair,
I love her form of matchless grace,
O'er marble Venus let them rage,
- Lewis Latimer
From the mind of Professah Monee at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I do Solemny swear to preserve and protect my edges
“Aw man! What's going on with ole gurl's edges?” Maybe even you've asked this about your own hair. There are two main causes of this problem: chemical abuse wrought by relaxers and texturizers and daily hair care/styling practices.
braids, and glueing in tracks are also big no-no's. You shouldn't need a bottle of Tylenol
after getting your hair done. Tell the stylist to go easy; If you're too intimidated to do
so,then it's time to find a new stylist.
like everything else it's only good in moderation. Excess amounts can harden the hair
causing it to snap off. Instead of that protein-enriched gel, try IC Fantasia or Eco styling

There are a few ways to reverse these effects and get your edges to be lush
(again) .Try massaging the scalp with rosemary-infused evoo*. It's not so hard to loosen
your hair accessories from around your hairline. More obviously you should be more gentle when brushing and
combing your edges into submission. It may take a while, but you will notice a difference. And remember, don't sacrifice the health of your hair for the sake of looking
* If you can't find rosemary-infused oil or don't want to make it yourself, then add10
drops of rosemary essential oil and 4 drops peppermint essential oil to 4oz. Of evoo(extra
virgin olive oil) or any natural,organic oil of your choice.

From the mind of Professah Monee at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: alopecia, hair growth, thinning hair